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Shikshashtakam – 12-part series at Alachua

Workshop at Krishna Institute, Alachua, USA Shikshashtakam 1 Overview and flow of the ashtakam Shikshashtakam 2 Text 1 The mind as a window, a TV screen and a mirror Shikshashtakam 3 Text 1 The flower metaphor for the blossoming of consciousness Shikshashtakam 4 Text 1 From the partial nectar to the complete nectar Shikshashtakam 5…

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Shikshashtakam 12 Text 8 Radharani manifests the highest summit of love

​Workshop at Krishna Institute, Alachua, USA Shikshashtakam series at alachua from pustagopika26     Transcription of Lecture We will start the last verse of the Siksastakam now. Let’s recite it together. ashlishya va pada-ratam pinashtu mam adarshanan marma-hatam karotu va yatha tatha va vidadhatu lampato mat-prana-nathas tu sa eva naparah So, here Caitanya Mahaprabhu is…

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Shikshashtakam 11 Text 7 Treasure devotional memories to propel your devotion

​Workshop at Krishna Institute, Alachua, USA Shikshashtakam series at alachua from pustagopika26     Transcription of Lecture Hare Krishna. Let’s begin with the seventh text now. Text 7 yugayitam nimeshena chakshusha pravrishayitam shunyayitam jagat sarvam govinda-virahena me Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is now describing the emotion of love in separation. In the previous text we described…

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Shikshashtakam 10 Text 6 Curb sentimentality but cherish sentiments

Workshop at Krishna Institute, Alachua, USA Shikshashtakam series at alachua from pustagopika26     Transcription of Lecture nayanam galad-ashru-dharaya vadanam gadgada-ruddhaya gira pulakair nichitam vapuh kada tava nama-grahane bhavishyati So here, tava nama grahane bhavisyate. In the previous verse Caitanya Mahaprabhu is praying, “Please lift me up.” Now he is continuing that description of that…

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Shikshashtakam 9 Text 5 The subtle interplay of endeavor and grace in bhakti

​Workshop at Krishna Institute, Alachua, USA Shikshashtakam series at alachua from pustagopika26     Transcription of Lecture Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is praying that, “Oh! Son of Nanda, Tanuja Kinkara.” The word Kinkara means – kinkaroti iti kinkara. What should I do? Kinkara is a word for servant. “I am your servant O Lord. Patitam mam visame…

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Shikshashtakam 8 Text 4 Let your bhakti be Krishna-centered, not renunciation-centered

Workshop at Krishna Institute, Alachua, USA Shikshashtakam series at alachua from pustagopika26     Transcription of Lecture Na dhanam na janam na sundarim Na kavitam na jagatish kamaya Mama janmani janmanisware Bhavatad bhaktir ahaituki twayi Here Caitanya Mahprabhu is actually rejecting everything material for the sake of ahaituki bhakti. Dhana, jana, sundari, kavita – so…

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Shikshashtakam 7 Text 3 Tolerance means to call off our war with reality

Workshop at Krishna Institute, Alachua, USA Shikshashtakam series at alachua from pustagopika26     Transcription of Lecture So, let’s start with tolerance. So, Prabhupada famously talks about tolerance in the Krishna book. “One’s greatness is estimated by one’s ability to tolerate provoking situations.” Now I will try to unpack the statement in a few ways….

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Shikshashtakam 6 Text 3 Humility means to not let our ego interfere with our purpose

Workshop at Krishna Institute, Alachua, USA Shikshashtakam series at alachua from pustagopika26     Transcription of Lecture Let’s start with the 3rd text. Trinadapi Sunichena taror api sahisnuna Amanina manadena kirtania sada hari So, the second text ended with an expression of misfortune that, “Oh I am so unfortunate that I have no taste for…

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​Shikshashtakam 5 Text 2 The mysterious non-difference of Krishna and his holy name

​Workshop at Krishna Institute, Alachua, USA Shikshashtakam series at alachua from pustagopika26     Transcription of Lecture So, today we begin with the second text, and just before that two small words from the first text which I didn’t elaborate – pratipadam purnamritam aswadam. So, I focussed on purnramritam yesterday. So, pratipadam is at each…

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​Shikshashtakam 4 Text 1 From the partial nectar to the complete nectar

Workshop at Krishna Institute, Alachua, USA Shikshashtakam series at alachua from pustagopika26     Transcription of Lecture Now – it is the reiteration of the same point I mentioned in Kairava-Candrika-vitrarnam. Basically the blossoming of consciousness is a progress in selflessness, from self-absorption to Krishna absorption, and that happens gradually as we connect with Krishna…