Can one go back home back to godhead by practicing Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism and Judaism?
Does Krishna consciousness while removing our conditionings create its own set of conditionings that obstruct wisdom?
Why is bhakti, especially as presented by our movement, seen by many as non-intellectual or even anti-intellectual?
Why do some people celebrate beef-eating festivals – is it because of their hatred for brahminical culture?
Was India better under British rule than after independence? How do we understand Prabhupada’s statement
Will war break out because of the corona crisis, as some devotee-astrologers say – should we withdraw to self-sufficient village communities?
History is written by winners – because Rama and Krishna won wars, did they declare themselves as God?
Why blame the violence in Soviet Russia on atheism when it was caused by economic and political factors?
Is our real problem the original sin in the heart – not the mind – and is believing in Jesus the only solution?
When India is the land of spirituality, why was it overrun by so many invaders – why does it still have a colonial mentality?
When our acharyas wanted an institution, how can we deal with people’s aversion to religious institutions?
When social justice is not defined in the West in terms of caste discrimination how can bhakti be seen as promoting social justice here?
The Spirit of Diwali – Light the inner lamp to see beyond the painkiller of entertainment to the cure of devotion
Stories about Krishna remain the same, whereas new stories about fictional heroes keep coming up – how then are Krishna stories ever-new?
Material entertainment requires no thinking, spiritual entertainment requires deep thinking – are the two comparable?
When Krishna thrusts his mercy, inconceivably (Reflections on the departure of Vaishnava Seva Prabhu’s father)