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If our children don’t become devotees, are we failing in our primary duty?

Answer Podcast Transcriptions Question: If our children do not become devotee, are we failing in our primary duty? Answer: We have often heard this phrase – “Parents’ primary duty is to liberate the child.” This aspect of parenting should not become a burden on the child. Sometimes it may happen that, despite having the greatest…

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If our children don’t become devotees, are we failing in our primary duty?

Answer Podcast Transcriptions Question: If our children do not become devotee, are we failing in our primary duty? Answer: We have often heard this phrase – “Parents’ primary duty is to liberate the child.” This aspect of parenting should not become a burden on the child. Sometimes it may happen that, despite having the greatest…

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Why don’t we make the Bhagavad-gita compulsory in schools in India?

  Transcription : Transcribed by: Keshavgopal Das Question: Why don’t we make Bhagavad-gita compulsory in schools in India? Answer: This is a question we should be asking from the Government of India. Let me try to answer it based on how I see it. We live today in a multi-cultural world, where people are opposed…

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​How could Yudhishthira stake his own wife in gambling?

Answer Podcast Transcribed by: Bhabesh Mishra Edited by: Keshavgopal Das Question: How could Yudhishthira have gambled his own wife? Answer: When invited for gambling, Yudhishthira had no desire for gambling because he felt that it would lead to conflict or even lead into a war. However, he was goaded. Consequently, he started gambling more and…

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When the Gita is spoken to one specific person, how can it be universal?

Answer Podcast Transcription by: Dr Suresh Gupta (Muzaffarnagar) Question: When the Gita is spoken to address the problem of one specific person, how can it be universal? Answer: Gita is a conversation between Krishna and Arjuna about whether to fight the war or not. Although the context is war, but Gita also talks about universal…

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Why do scriptures urge women to do vat-savitri puja to get the same husband for seven lives when the goal of life is to attain liberation?

 From: Mukund  If ultimate aim of the human life is to get liberation from cycle of birth and death then why do scriptures recommend women to perform “Vat Savitri” puja to get same husband for Seven lifes (Saat Janam)? Is this practice at all mentioned in scriptures? Transcription: ( By Bhavesh P)   Answer: The…

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Till what point should we tolerate?

Answer Podcast Transription in Hindi प्रश्न: सहनशीलता की हद कैसे तय करें? उत्तर: जो गीता अर्जुन को सहन करने की शिक्षा देती है (गीता २.१४ – ताम् तितिक्षस्व भारत), वही गीता अर्जुन को युद्ध के लिए भी प्रेरित करती है (गीता ११.३३ – तस्मात त्वम उत्तिष्ठ यशो लभस्व)। श्रीकृष्ण ने कौरवों के अत्याचारों को सहने…

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How is the Bhagavad gita applicable for students?

Answer Podcast   Transcription : Transcription: Suresh Gupta Question: How is the Gita applicable for students? Answer: Primarily, the biggest relevance of Gita is in terms of the mind. In student life, there are so many different pressures that come – studies, parent’s expectations, stress of assignments, peer pressure etc. – that our mind can…

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When we see something wrong happening, should we humbly tolerate or stand up for justice?

Answer Podcast Transcription in Hindi प्रश्न: जब हम कुछ गलत होता देखते हैं तो क्या हमें विनम्रतापूर्वक सहन करना चाहिए या न्याय के लिए लड़ना चाहिए? उत्तर: सामान्यतः हमारे जीवन में कोई भी निर्णय तीन बातों पर निर्भर करता है – पद, प्रकृति और परिस्थिति। अर्थात, हमें लड़ना चाहिए या नहीं यह इन तीनों बातों…

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Why does God not answer our prayers? (PK answered 5)

Answer Podcast: Download by “right-click and save content”   Transcription : Transcribed by: Suresh Gupta Edited by: Raji Nachiappan Question: Why does God not answer our prayers? Answer: Prayers always work. God always answers our prayers, but we do not understand his answers because those do not always come in terms that we expect. If…