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Spiritualizing our relationships 5 – Focus more on our intentions than on others’ dispositions

    Transcription of Lecture  So, I will focus on the topic of how we can continue our own service while dealing with others who may be differently disposed in different situations. So, the topic will be – ‘Focus on our intentions, not on others dispositions.’ In the Bhagavat-gita, in the sixth chapter, Krishna talks…

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Spiritualizing our relationships 4 – Accept yourself to relate better with others

[Phone talk to everydaychant.com online sanga]     Transcription of Lecture So, today we will talk about the topic of spiritualizing our relationships, continuing the discussion. In the previous session I talked about how we need to accept others, avoid nagging and fault finding. Today we will talk about the other side of the relationship about accepting ourselves….

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Spiritualizing our relationships 3 – Learning to separate people from their behavior

[Phone talk to everydaychant.com online sanga]       Transcription of Lecture Today we will be discussing the third part. In the first part we talked about how the soul itself is the basis of… without consciousness, without a spiritual ambition there cannot be any relationships, and in the second part I talked about how…

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Spiritualizing our relationships 2 – To improve relationships, decrease expectation and increase contribution

[Phone class to everydaychant.com online sanga]     Transcription of  Lecture  Last week we discussed how the spiritual is the foundation of all relationships. Without spiritual self-understanding, actually there will be no one with the consciousness with the intension to relate and there will be no capacity to evaluate the quality of a relationship or…

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Spiritualizing our relationships 1 – The more despiritualized we are, the more desensitized we become

[Phone talk to everdaychant.com online sanga] Transcription of summary So, I spoke today on the topic of spiritualizing our relationships, and I started by talking about how we human beings and indeed all living beings are relational creatures. In a materialistic world view, relationships are thought to be formed as simply as a survival strategy,…