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What cricket can teach us about life 3

Congregation Program in the Middle East Transcribed by: Sadananda Krishna Prema Das Chaitanya Charan Prabhu: Most Indians, hear about Sarjah as primarily associated with cricket. So, yesterday and today morning I spoke on the theme of what cricket can teach us about life? So, I will continue that theme and I will speak about how…

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What cricket can teach us about life 2

Congregation Program in the Middle East Transcribed by: Sadananda Krishna Prema Das … just think negatively about it. Madam eva cha…Mada is intoxication na vimunchyati durmedha, and a person does not give this up, no matter what happens. That person is having determination in the mode of ignorance. So, sometimes some people say… say somebody…

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​What cricket can teach us about life 1

​Congregation program in the Middle East Podcast Transcribed by: Sadananda Krishna Prema Das Chaitanya Charan Prabhu : I am grateful to be among all of you, and in today’s class I will try to connect my past with  my present, in trying to share Krishna bhakti. So, for many Indians, Sharjah is inextricably associated with…