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How to overcome spiritual boredom?

From: Naresh How to overcome spiritual boredom? Transcription Question by Naresh: How to overcome spiritual boredom? Answer: There is no such thing as spiritual boredom. I think what you mean is that boredom while we practice spiritual life. Boredom is essentially a material emotion. When at the material level we do not find life to…

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Is personal association of devotees essential?

From: SNS.Ravindranath: is association of devotees relates to mind or personal association is required? How can a person who is not in access with devotees can cope with this situation   Transcription Question: Is personal association of devotees essential? Answer: Personal association of devotees is extremely beneficial and largely essential for our spiritual advancement. This…

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Does becoming tolerant mean letting oneself be manipulated?

From: P shah Does becoming tolerant mean succumbing in situations where people try to be manipulative with you? Transcription Question by P. Shaha: Does becoming tolerant mean succumbing to situations where people try to be manipulative with you?  Answer : Not at all. Tolerance does not mean that we allow others to trample on us. Tolerance essentially means…