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What is the bhakti perspective on feminism – not the man-bashing extreme feminism, but the equal opportunity for women feminism?

Answer Podcast   Transcribed by: Raji Nachiappan Question: What is the bhakti perspective on feminism – not the man-bashing extreme feminism, but the equal opportunity for women feminism? Answer: Bhakti wisdom is inclusive. It gives everyone an opportunity to grow. We understand that we are souls, every soul is equally a part of God and…

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Is spirituality the only way to overcome bad habits?

Answer Podcast   Transcription : Transcription by: Suresh Gupta Question: Is spirituality the only way to overcome bad habits? Answer: Definitely there are people who are non-devotees and who have given up bad habits. Basically, the mind is like a programable device. It is running a particular program and we need to re-program it. It…

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Did God help Gajendra only when he stopped helping himself?

Podcast   Transcription : Transcriber: Suresh Gupta Question: Did God help Gajendra only when he stopped helping himself? Answer: It is important to note that even surrender requires trying. Gajendra did not give up sinking in self-pity but instead looked up to call out to the Lord which also requires endeavour. In bhakti, there is…

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Even when we know that worldly pleasures are temporary, why do we still crave for it?

Answer Podcast   Transcription : Transcriber: Sharan Shetty Edited by: Keshavgopal Das Question: Even when we know that worldly pleasures are temporary, why do we still crave for them? Answer: There are two ways of looking at this. One is that this world is a place of illusion and like a trap. Gita 8.15 says,…

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When we are far away from the standards needed to attain the spiritual world, what is our hope?

Answer Podcast   Transcription : Transcriber: Sharan Shetty Question: When we are far away from the standards needed to attain the spiritual world, what is our hope? Answer: There is a digital and an analogue conception of bhakti. Digital concept is zero or one. This means either we are a devotee or a non-devotee, either…

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How can we know if we are sincere?

Answer Podcast   Transcription : Transcriber: Sharan Shetty Edited by: Keshavgopal Das Question: How can we know if we are sincere? Answer: There are different levels of sincerity in our practice of bhakti. It does not necessarily be either zero or one. In Gita 12.8-12, Lord Krishna explains a progression. First, he says, be spontaneously…

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If our faith is attacked internally or externally, what should we do?

Answer Podcast   Transcription : Transcriber: Sharan Shetty Edited by: Keshavgopal Das Question: If our faith is attacked internally or externally, what should we do? Answer: The approaches are different for both. Internal doubts can be dealt by going to devotees who know that subject. We have to learn which kind of devotee can address…

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How can we balance body, mind and consciousness?

Answer Podcast   Transcription : Transcriber: Sharan Shetty Edited by: Keshavgopal Das Question: How can we balance body, mind and consciousness? Answer: The working of body, mind and consciousness can be understood with the example of a computer system where the body is like the hardware, the mind is like the software and the consciousness…

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Where do we get our individuality from – matter or spirit?

Answer Podcast: Download by “right-click and save content” Transcriber: Dr Suresh Gupta Edited by: Sharan Shetty Question: Where do we get our individuality from – matter or spirit? Answer: The spirit soul is said to be sac-cid-ananda (sat means eternal, cit means knowledge and ananda means bliss). The principle of sac-cid-ananda is very lofty because…

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Why does India have such a lofty philosophy and a filthy living conditions?

Answer Podcast: Download by “right-click and save content” Transcriber: Dr Suresh Gupta Edited by: Sharan Shetty Question: Why does India have such a lofty philosophy and filthy living conditions? Answer: There are two main reasons for the decline of India’s prosperity – (i) Fall of the kshatriyas. (ii) brahmanas becoming too self-righteous. Repeated attacks on…