Gita 17.27 Sat is not just a word for recitation – it is a conviction to cultivated and infused into action
Gita 17.18 The show of austerity without the substance of spirituality points to superficiality or even hypocrisy
Gita 17.17 The mode in which austerity is performed different from the mode with which austerity is performed
Gita 17.12 Yajna is like modern technology – can fuel the illusion that we are controllers and enjoyers.mp3
Gita 17.09 Food in passion is is sensually stimulating but eventually distressing and disease-inducing.mp3
Gita 17.07 Food, sacrifice, charity and austerity represent broad patterns of the soul’s interaction with its encasing circles
Gita 17.03 The relationship between our existence and our faith is causal, constitutional and consequential