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What does vikalpa mean in the mind’s sanklpa-vikalpa?

Transcribed by: Nishant Arora and Keshavgopal Das Question: In the saṅkalpa – vikalpa of the mind what exactly does vikalpa mean? Vikalpa, does it refer to indecision in doing one thing or another or does it refer to means of executing things? Answer: It can refer to both. The word vikalpa from the Sanskrit dictionary…

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Where exactly is faith located: in the soul or in the mind?

Transcription: (By Ramanand Borse) Question: Where exactly is faith located? is it in the subtle body or is it in the soul? Answer: For a soul in the natural spiritual pure stage, the faith is in the soul.The soul has natural love for Krishna and that love is based on faith in Krishna – implicitly. But…

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How does the soul experience the pains and pleasures of the body?

From: Jugal What makes us feel the pains and pleasures of the body? Of course it is due to the misidentification with the body but how exactly it happens…how the soul experiences the pains and pleasures of the body? What are these pains and pleasures?

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How can we overcome discouragement due to constant mental lethargy?

From: Raja Rama Dasa Eventhough we know that services such as book distribution, preaching etc. are very much required to uplift us and others as well, sometimes feel morose, lethargy in actually taking the body and mind out to service. I feel this is definitely the effect of modes of nature on me. How should…