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12.11 – Krishna accommodates even those who can’t accommodate him

It is relatively easy to accommodate those who accommodate us. It is much more difficult to accommodate those who don’t accommodate us. The Bhagavad-gita reveals how Krishna is supremely accommodating. Therein, Krishna outlines various spiritual paths custom-made for people with varying inclinations, thereby expressing his desire to get everyone to start off on their spiritual…

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12.09 – Strive more for the gift of presence than the presence of gifts

We express our love for others through gifts. In spiritual life too, we can express our devotion to Krishna through gifts – donations offered, contributions collected and books distributed, for example. Krishna looks forward most to the gift of our presence. The Bhagavad-gita, while describing various levels of devotion, places the level of practicing to…

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12.09 – Anticipate spontaneous devotion, but cultivate conscientious devotion

When we read in the scriptures about exalted devotees who spontaneously love Krishna, we as aspiring devotees naturally long for such spontaneous devotion. And we may sometimes relish moments of intense devotion when everything other than Krishna becomes pale and stale. However, to our dismay, such moments end all too soon. Worse still, sometimes in…

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12.07 – Rise from defiance through reliance to transcendence

Our journey towards Krishna progresses through three stages: Defiance: We start of imagining that we don’t need Krishna, that we can do fine without him. We mistakenly assume that defying him proves our self-worth. Of course, many of us may not consciously think about defying Krishna – we may just not think about him at…

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12.13 – Let’s love Krishna too much to be fanatical

Fanatic. That’s among the worst labels a person can get in today’s multi-cultural world. To avoid such labels, some people feel, “Better let me not get over-involved in any one path. Then I will stay open-minded towards other paths and won’t become a fanatic.” Intriguingly, Gita wisdom underscores that the cause of fanaticism is not…

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12.13 – Love that is too big to allow room for hatred in the heart

When people reject, cheat or humiliate us, we may feel justified to hate them. No matter how justified our feeling, it doesn’t change the reality that hatred hurts us far more than it can ever hurt those who have hurt us. Why? Because holding hatred in our heart is like holding burning coal in our…

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12.07 – Are we holding on to a straw instead of a lifeline?

Our present material existence is like an ocean – an ocean of misery. Though we can struggle against the waves of life’s miseries for some time, the relentlessness of the waves eventually drains us. We all need help. Where we seek help is vital in determining our destiny. Some people seek it in the belief…

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12.10 – If we can’t offer our heart to Krishna, then we can offer what’s in our heart to Krishna

We all long for love. This longing attains lasting and complete fulfillment when we direct it towards Krishna, for he is eternal and all-attractive. And most importantly, he already us – and loves us far more than anyone else. However, directing our love towards Krishna is not easy. We all have loved many worldly things…

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12.19 – Belonging that leads to blissful being

Our actions are frequently molded by others’ opinion, especially by the opinion of the social circle we wish to belong to. As we are social beings, our desire for belonging is sound. But our decision about which social circle to belong to is not always so sound. Often we don’t realize that this decision is…

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12.18-19 – Bad times test our faith – and so do good times

Bad times test our faith.  They raise the question: “When I am serving Krishna, why is he not protecting me?” Gita wisdom answers that Krishna protects in multifarious and mysterious ways – not just at the material this-worldly level but also at the spiritual other-worldly level. Bad times push us to take shelter of Krishna…