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15.10 – Strive not to look good in the eyes of the world; strive to get good eyes to look at the world

People often worry whether they look good in the eyes of the world; they fuss about being in tune with the latest fashions. However, the world’s eyes are ever changing. What it cheers today, it jeers tomorrow. Fashions are notoriously short-lived. Moreover, the world has many eyes – different people consider differing, even opposing, things…

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15.03 – As long as we desire to bring matter under our captivity, we remain in its captivity

Our bad habits, our attachments to base material things, are often extremely difficult to give up. The resulting struggle may raise the question: “I am a soul who being conscious am superior to unconscious matter. How then can inferior matter bind me?” Because our consciousness is captivated by inferior desires, answers Gita wisdom. The Bhagavad-gita…

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15.19 – Life’s driving force is existence’s crowning reality

Love is life’s driving force. We all want to love and be loved. Our longing for love drives our lives and our dreams – to have great looks, to earn big money, to shine professionally. Through such achievements we hope to attract the love of others or show our love for them. Conversely, few things…

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15.15 – Krishna’s inner presence is to coach us, not catch us

“Krishna is present in my heart. That means he has the best vantage point to catch all the wrongs that I do.” If such fears bother us, that’s usually because we have mistakenly divorced Krishna’s inner presence from his overall purpose. Such a mistake may happen because we may carry into our devotional life past…

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15.10 – How can we pursue that which we don’t perceive?

Our vision determines our action. If on a road we don’t see a speed-breaker, we won’t slow down and so get jolted. If at a crossroad we don’t see the two ways ahead, by default we will take the only way we see. Such shrinking of options can happen in our life-journey too. If we…

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15.09 – Might a 20/20 vision lead to blindness?

Smaller electronic gadgets; greater functionalities; faster net connections. Such advances may make us believe that future technological advances will enable us to become happy and live happily ever after. No matter how much technology advances, this world is never going to turn into paradise. Why? Because technology can never make us immortal at the material…

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15.07 – When fulfilling desires doesn’t translate into fulfillment

We all have so many desires for so many worldly things. However, because we live in a world of finite resources and a body with limited capacities, we can’t fulfill most of our desires.  But our infatuation with such desires and our frustration at being unable to fulfill them that we become blind to a…

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15.07 – Completeness comes not by material amelioration or mechanical reconnection, but by emotional redirection

We all frequently feel that something is missing in our life. In fact, our entire life with its varied pursuits – career, wealth, position, spouse, children – is essentially a quest for completeness. Sadly however, no matter how much we succeed in these pursuits, the sense of incompleteness never goes away. In the initial euphoria…

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15.19 – The best direction for the motion of emotion

Emotion. That’s what brings spice to our life. And love, the richest and deepest of all emotions makes life, with all its headaches and heartbreaks, worth living. Not just worth living, but worth looking forward to. Yet the motion of emotion is not always pleasant; it can push us into trouble, even big trouble. As…

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15.15 – Nothing can separate us from the infinite love of the infinite

We all fear loss – loss of job, money, health, looks, things. Most of all, we fear the loss of love. Love is what all of us need, dream, crave. Everything we pursue, possess and parade is ultimately meant to attract love, whether we recognize it or not. We dread separation from our loved ones…