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God as the Supreme therapist 7 – Understanding how Narasimhadeva gave strength to Prahlada

[Narasimha Chaturdashi Bhagavatam class on 5.18.14 at ISKCON, Denver, USA, concluding part of 7-part series on Prahlada’s prayers to Narasimhadeva 5.8.8-14] Video:

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God as the supreme therapist 6 – Seek not the facility to do whatever we desire – seek the clarity to discern our deepest desire

[Bhagavatam class on 5.18.13 at ISKCON, Denver, USA] Video:

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God as the supreme therapist 5 – Cultivating qualities is integral to cultivating devotion

[Narasimha Chaturdashi series on Prahlada’s prayers to Narasimhadeva 5.8.8-14] [Bhagavatam class on 5.8.12 at ISKCON, Denver, USA ] Video:

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God as the supreme therapist 3 – Devotional detachment is not freedom from emotions but freedom of emotions

[Narasmiha Chaturdashi series on Prahlada’s prayers 5.18.8-14] [Bhagavatam class on 5.18.10 at ISKCON, Denver, USA] Video:

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God as the supreme therapist 2 – To be others’ well wisher means to channel their emotions towards proper use of their free will

[Narasimha Chaturdashi series on Prahlada’s prayers to Narasimhadeva 5.18.8-14] [Bhagavatam class on 5.18.9 at ISKCON, Denver, USA] Video:

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God as the supreme therapist 1 – Discerning the Prahlada and Hiranyakashipu mentalities within us

[Narasimha Chaturdashi series on Prahlada’s prayers to Narasimha 5.18.8-14] [Bhagavatam class on Bhagavatam 5.18.8 at ISKCON, Denver, USA] Video: