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Mukunda Mala Stotra 17 – The holy name offers us employment with the ultimate master

nathe nah purushottame tri-jagatam ekadhipe cetasa sevye svasya padasya datari pare narayane tishthati yam kancit purushadhamam katipaya-gramesham alpartha-dam sevayai mrigayamahe naram aho mudha varaka vayam Our master, the Personality of Godhead Narayana, who alone rules the three worlds, whom one can serve in meditation, and who happily shares His personal domain, is manifest before us….

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Mukunda Mala Stotra 9 – No better happiness than the remembrance of Krishna

sarasija-nayane sa-shankha-cakre mura-bhidi ma viramasva citta rantum sukha-taram aparam na jatu jane hari-carana-smaranamritena tulyam O mind, please never stop taking pleasure in thinking of the Mura demon’s destroyer, who has lotus eyes and bears the conch and disc weapon. Indeed, I know of nothing else that gives such extreme pleasure as meditating on Lord Hari’s…