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Understanding rasa-lila 8 – Appreciating Krishna’s mystifying reciprocation

[Bhagavatam class at ISKCON, Denver, USA] Video: Transcription : Transcribed by: Sadananda Prabhu Understanding rasa-lila 8 – Appreciating Krishna’s mystifying reciprocation Today we come to the conclusion of our discussion on the Rasa-lila. It is a very exalted subject, and I will quickly review what I discussed in the last eight sessions, before I come…

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Understanding Rasa-lila 7 – Gopi-gita 3

[Bhagavatam class at ISKCON, Denver, USA] Video: Transcription : Transcribed by: Sadananda Prabhu Understanding Rasa-lila 7 – Gopi-gita 3 In the last two sessions we discussed how the gopis are giving different reasons for begging Krishna to return. Here again the gopis refer to the lotus feet of Krishna. They will refer to the lotus…

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Understanding Rasa-lila 6 – Gopi-gita 2

[Bhagavatam class at ISKCON, Denver, USA] Video: Transcription : Transcribed by: Sadananda Prabhu Understanding Rasa-lila 6 – Gopi-gita 2 We are continuing our discussion on the Gopi Gita. In various ways the gopis are begging to Lord Krishna to reappear in front of them. Here they are offering their prayers in a way that might…

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Understanding Rasa-lila 5 – Gopi-gita 1

[Bhagavatam class at ISKCON, Denver, USA] Video: Transcription : Transcribed by: Sadananda Prabhu Understanding Rasa-lila 5 – Gopi-gita 1 Today morning we are discussing one of the sweetest sections in the Srimad-Bhagavatam; that is the prayers of the gopis to Krishna. The backstory is that the gopis left everything to come to Krishna when he…

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Understanding Rasa-lila 4 – Radharani’s apparent pride expresses her selfless love

[Radhashtami Bhagavatam class at ISKCON, Denver, USA] Video: Transcription : Transcribed by: Sadananda Prabhu Understanding Rasa-lila 4 – Radharani’s apparent pride expresses her selfless love On this extremely auspicious day of the appearance of Srimati Radharani, it is our fortune to have some opportunity to discuss some of her infinite glories. Radharani is the consort…

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Understanding rasa-lila 3 – Arrogance keeps us locked in ourselves, both apara-dharma and para-dharma get us out of ourselves

[Bhagavatam class on 10.29.48 at ISKCON, Denver, USA] Video: Transcription : Transcribed by: Sadananda Prabhu Understanding rasa-lila 3 Arrogance keeps us locked in ourselves, both apara-dharma and para-dharma get us out of ourselves Hare Krishna. Today morning we are continuing our discussion on understanding the rasa lila. In yesterday’s session I talked about how Krishna…

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Understanding rasa-lila 2- How Bhagavatam establishes para-dharma without trivializing apara-dharma

[Bhagavatam class on Srimad-Bhagavatam 10.29.18 at ISKCON, Denver, USA] Video: Transcription : Transcribed by: Sadananda Prabhu Understanding rasa-lila 2- How Bhagavatam establishes para-dharma without trivializing apara-dharma Today we continue our discussion on the Rasa Lila. Yesterday I talked about how the inconceivable nature of the Rasa Lila can be understood by understanding how the supreme…

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Understanding rasa-lila 1 – How the supreme Shelter (Ashraya) becomes sheltered (Ashrita)

[Bhagavatam class on 10.29.1 at ISKCON, Denver, USA] Podcast Podcast Summary Video: Transcription : Transcribed by: Sadananda Prabhu Understanding rasa-lila 1 – How the supreme Shelter (Ashraya) becomes sheltered (Ashrita) In the next few series of classes I will talk about the Rasa Lila pastime and try to understand it; first in terms of Tattva…