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How to overcome spiritual boredom?

From: Naresh How to overcome spiritual boredom? Transcription Question by Naresh: How to overcome spiritual boredom? Answer: There is no such thing as spiritual boredom. I think what you mean is that boredom while we practice spiritual life. Boredom is essentially a material emotion. When at the material level we do not find life to…

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Is personal association of devotees essential?

From: SNS.Ravindranath: is association of devotees relates to mind or personal association is required? How can a person who is not in access with devotees can cope with this situation   Transcription Question: Is personal association of devotees essential? Answer: Personal association of devotees is extremely beneficial and largely essential for our spiritual advancement. This…

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Does becoming tolerant mean letting oneself be manipulated?

From: P shah Does becoming tolerant mean succumbing in situations where people try to be manipulative with you? Transcription Question by P. Shaha: Does becoming tolerant mean succumbing to situations where people try to be manipulative with you?  Answer : Not at all. Tolerance does not mean that we allow others to trample on us. Tolerance essentially means…


Can spirituality help us when we are sick?

Answer: Certainly. Spirituality helps us to see sickness as a pointer to a fuller life. Our current complete existence is two-dimensional: we are spiritual beings residing in material bodies. Our material needs and duties are natural and necessary. But if we confine our activities and ambitions to the realm of matter, we reduce ourselves to…