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Why does God not answer our prayers? (PK answered 5)

Answer Podcast: Download by “right-click and save content”   Transcription : Transcribed by: Suresh Gupta Edited by: Raji Nachiappan Question: Why does God not answer our prayers? Answer: Prayers always work. God always answers our prayers, but we do not understand his answers because those do not always come in terms that we expect. If…

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How can we increase our determination for waking up in the morning?

Answer Podcast Transcription : Transcriber: Suresh Gupta Editor: Raji Nachiappan Question: How can we increase our determination for waking up in the morning? Answer: Firstly, denying the body’s needs should not be mistaken as a sign of determination. If the body has a habit of sleeping for six-seven hours, suddenly expecting one to manage with…

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When natural calamities disrupt our lives beyond tolerance point, what can we do other than pray?

From Rekha Mathkarr Mataji I believe and trust Krishna and follow all the scriptural regulations, but what we are experienceing weather wise in united States is beyond tolerance. Since last two wks.there are snow storms after snow storms. People are striended at airport unable to rich there destination. Schools are closed. People are unable to…

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What is the difference between a jnani and jnani-yogi?

From Anuj Agarwal Is it mentioned somewhere in the Gita? Answer Podcast Transcription : Transcriber: Sharan Shetty Edited by: Keshavgopal Das Question: What is the difference between a jnani and jnana-yogi? Answer: Jnani refers specifically to a person who possesses knowledge. Jnana yogi refers to a person who is following the process of jnana yoga…

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How can an introvert practice bhakti when it is so social and public?

I can’t think when I am with too many people. And I find public harinam kirtan distracting. But when I try to be alone, devotees say that I will go into Maya. But I feel more disoriented when I am with many people and more focused on Krishna when I am alone. How can I practice…

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What is the role of vairagya in grihastha life?

Transcription : Transcribed by: Raji Nachiappan Question: What is the role of vairagya in grihasta life? Answer: Vairagya is not an aspect of bhakti. Among the sixty-four items of bhakti that Rupa Goswami specifies, there is no mention of vairagya. For example, activities like chanting the holy names, reading the scriptures and worshipping the deities…