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Does the system of karma and rebirth imply that there is no forgiveness?

From Geeta Mataji: Podcast: Relevant Quote of Christian scholar and pioneering Sanskritist, Sir William Jones: “I am no Hindu but I hold the doctrine of the Hindus concerning a future state to be incomparably more rational, more pious and more likely to deter men from vice than the horrid opinions inculcated by the Christians on…

Why the devatas, though not God, are called ishvara

Krsna Himself,    endowed with  sixty four transcendental qualities, is the perfect embodiment of  continuous rasa.16  Of these  fifty qualities are present in small  amount in  the  jivas.   These  fifty  qualities and  an  additional five  qualities are  present in  Siva, Brahma,  Ganesa,  Surya  and  other  devatas.  For that  reason,  though they  are  not  God, they  are…

Lord Chaitanya’s world-inundating mercy

“Lord Caitanya did not advent Himself to liberate only a few men of India. Rather, His main objective was to emancipate all living entities of all countries throughout the entire universe and preach the Eternal Religion. Lord Caitanya says in the Caitanya-bhägavata: ‘In every town, country and village, My name will be sung.’ There is no…

Exploitative desires reduces a living spiritual movement to a stagnant organised church

“The idea of an organized church in an intelligible form indeed marks the close of the living spiritual movement. The great ecclesiastical establishments are the dykes and the dams to retain the current that cannot be held by any such contrivances. They, indeed, indicate a desire on the part of the masses to exploit a…

The eternal religion of devotion doesn’t come by anything mechanical

“The Supreme Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa Caitanya in pursuance of the teachings of the scriptures enjoins all absence of conventionalism for the teachers of the eternal religion. It does not follow that the mechanical adoption of the unconventional life by any person will make him a fit teacher of religion. Regulation is necessary for controlling the…