Bhagavatam-daily feature started

Bhagavatam-daily is a daily talk of approximately 10 min on a verse of Srimad Bhagavatam. This feature is especially meant to serve those devotees who want to hear the Bhagavatam regularly and systematically in short segments that they can conveniently fit into their schedules. The talk will involve a quick explanation of the Sanskrit verse followed by a devotional analysis of how we can take shelter of Krishna based on the import of that verse. In fact, my attempt to start this feature is essentially my way of taking shelter of the Bhagavatam by meditating and speaking on and thus serving each of its verses. I hope and pray that these talks will help hearers to similarly find greater shelter in the Bhagavatam.

In Krishna lila stava, Sri Sanatana Goswami glorifies the Srimad Bhagavatam: “ O holy Bhagavata, you are my only company, my only friend, and my guru. You are my greatest treasure and my personal saviour. You are the emblem of my highest fortune and the very form of ecstasy. I offer my obeisances unto you.” Several of our worshipable previous acharyas have commented insightfully on the Bhagavatam and our exalted Srila Prabhupada has given us through his illuminating Bhaktivedanta purports given us access to the vast universe of devotion that is the Bhagavatam. I offer my prostrated obeisances to our acharyas and pray that they bless this endeavor. I have sought and got the blessings of my spiritual guides – and I also seek the prayers, good wishes and blessings of the hearers so that I can render this service properly. Krishna willing, I will be taking various sections of the Bhagavatam verse-by-verse. To begin with, I have taken up the Uddhava Gita as it is one of the most important sections of the Bhagavatam, being its longest philosophical section, and is often quoted by our acharyas. It comprises the last words spoken by Krishna just before he departed from this mortal world and it was spoken to guide Uddhava to live with face the dark age of Kali.

The first four podcasts are available here:
Each day’s podcast will be published early in the morning and will come in your daily feed.
Your servant
Chaitanya Charan das

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