
India Train Crash: A Bhagavad Gita Perspective

India has recently witnessed a tragic train accident near Balasore, Orissa, leaving several hundred dead and many more maimed. In the face of such a devastating event, we offer our heartfelt prayers for those who have lost their loved ones and friends, as well as for the welfare of the departed souls. During times of…

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Responding to attacks on devotees in Bangladesh

During the Durga-puja festival in Bangladesh this year, posts appeared on social media claiming that the Hindus had disrespected the Koran by placing it on the floor before the Durga deities. A subsequent investigation found CC TV evidence showing that the Koran was placed there by a Muslim – it seemed to be a ploy…


The Kashmir Files Reflection: Tolerance at the cost of truth destroys both

The Kashmir Files movie has shocked and enraged Indians — not only because such a horrifying ethnic cleansing occurred in our own country just a few decades ago, but also because the systematic brutality was allowed and concealed. Worse still, the reality was distorted by a nefarious nexus of corrupt politicians, inept law enforcers, negligent…


Prabhupada — the transcendentalist who embodied the best of the traditionalist, the existentialist and the utopianist

Prabhupada — the transcendentalist who integrated the best of the traditionalist, the existentialist and the utopianist Traditionalists live for the past, existentialists live for the present, utopianists live for the future. Religious teachers are often presumed to be traditionalists, but Prabhupada was a transcendentalist: he lived for the supreme transcendental reality, Krishna. And in his…


How to overcome hypertension, anxiety and depression during the pandemic

On the occasion of World Hypertension Day 2021 Chaitanya Charan has written an article for The Financial Express on how to overcome hypertension, anxiety and depression during the pandemic https://www.financialexpress.com/lifestyle/health/world-hypertension-day-2021-how-to-overcome-hypertension-anxiety-and-depression-during-the-pandemic/2253345/


By using the lower case pronoun for Krishna, aren’t you minimizing his position?

I certainly don’t want to minimize Krishna’s position in any way. Simultaneously, it’s important to bear in mind that: 1. There’s no such convention of upper case pronoun for God in Sanskrit or most of our traditional languages (these languages don’t have the idea of upper and lower cases at all). 2. Using upper case…


“Unplanned” movie exposes the planned denial of reality surrounding abortion

Recently, a movie about the grotesque reality of abortion, named “Unplanned” has become a surprise niche hit. It is the conversion story of Abby Johnson who was the Clinic Director of the Planned Parenthood clinic at Brian, Texas, America. What makes this story especially riveting is that it describes how a person who had facilitated…

The knowledge of the arrogant defeats the purpose of knowledge

The knowledge of the arrogant defeats the purpose of knowledge

madopaśamanaṁ śāstraṁ khalānāṁ kurute madam cakṣuḥ prakāśakaṁ teja ulūkānām ivāndhatām madopaśamanam — removers of arrogance; śāstram — scriptures; khalānām — for the wicked; kurute — they increase; madam — arrogance; cakṣuḥ-prakāśakam — eye illuminating; tejaḥ — brilliance [of the sun]; ulūkānām — for the owls; iva — like; andhatām — blindness. “The arrogance of the…

When people just don’t get it …

When people just don’t get it …

ajñaḥ sukham ārādhyaḥ sukhataram ārādhyate viśeṣajñaḥ jñāna-lava-durvidagdhaṁ brahmāpi taṁ naraṁ na rañjayati ajñaḥ — the ignorant; sukham — is easily; ārādhyaḥ — convincible; sukhataram — even easier; ārādhyate — is to convince; viśeṣajñaḥ — the expert; brahmāpi — but even Lord Brahma; na rañjayati — cannot convince; tam — that; naram — person who is;…