From the Blue Whale Challenge to the Blue Whole Challenge

From the Blue Whale Challenge to the Blue Whole Challenge

In the last few weeks, the online game called the Blue Whale challenge has triggered consternation and alarm as it has prompted several teenagers in India and the world over to commit suicide. In this online game, some unknown, often untraceable, moderators challenge kids to do various unpleasant and self-injurious tasks such as marking their…

Vyasa-puja offering to Srila Prabhupada: Appreciating the empowering breadth of your trust in Krishna
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Vyasa-puja offering to Srila Prabhupada: Appreciating the empowering breadth of your trust in Krishna

Respected Srila Prabhupada, Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to your divine self. Every year brings to me deeper appreciation of your unparalleled contributions to enriching my life and the lives of millions all over the world. This year, my enhanced appreciation centered on your extraordinary dedication amidst immense obstacles…

Chaitanya Charan, author of best-seller Demystifying Reincarnation, on Facebook Live, Fri, Aug 11, 2-3 P.M

Chaitanya Charan, author of best-seller Demystifying Reincarnation, on Facebook Live, Fri, Aug 11, 2-3 P.M

  1. How does reincarnation matter to me? 2. Are there any scientifically proven cases of reincarnation? 3. If reincarnation is for real, why can’t we all remember our past lives? 4. Does reincarnation mean that we all have our soulmates? 5. Do animals have souls? 6. Can understanding reincarnation help address current world problems…

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Gratitude and originality in spiritual creativity

yad atra skhalitaṁ kiñcid                 vidvāṁsaḥ pūrayantu tat yad atra sauṣṭhavaṁ kiñcid                         tad guror eva me na hi yad — that which; atra — here; skhalitaṁ — is faulty; kiñcid — whatever; vidvāṁsaḥ — the learned souls; pūrayantu — may kindly correct; tat — that; yad — that which; atra — here; sauṣṭhavam —…