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From Love Universal to Bhakti Confidential – Gaudiya Vaishnavism Glories 3 – PEAR acronym for becoming a rasika

[Chaitanya Charitamrita class on Madhya 8.70 at ISKCON, Denver, USA]

Transcription of  Summary Lecture 

I spoke today about how in this section Ramananda Ray has described various levels and now he has come to the level of bhakti… and karma and jnana are both material consciousness… attachment to matter and aversion to matter. Bhakti is in a different category because it is centred on attraction to Krishna beyond the world of matter, and that’s why bhakti cannot … God simply by  advancement in karma or advancement in jnana. It is a different process … and what is that process? That Rupa Goswami and …. described …..

So, Rasa in drama…. refers to the emotion that is experienced by an audience through the proper setting. So, there is karana, karya and            ….  Karana is stimulus. It can be persons or it can be many things……, and karya is actions, they can be conscious and sub conscious. Conscious is anubhav and subconscious is … Like Yasoda mayi thinks Krishna coming … that is alampana. I spoke today about how in this section now Ramananda Roy has described various levels and now he has come to the level of bhakti, and karma and jnana are both material consciousness… attachment to matter and aversion to matter. Bhakti is in a different category because it is centred on attraction on Krishna beyond the world of matter, and therefore bhakti cannot be got simply by advancement in karma or advancement in jnana. There is different process of getting bhakti, and what is that process?  That Rupa Goswami and the Gauria acharyas have described through the process of rasa and rasa in drama…

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