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If our material life takes us temporarily away from our spiritual life, how can we later regain our spiritual enthusiasm?

Anwser Podcast

Transcription :

Transcribed by: Keshavgopal das

Question: If our material life takes us temporarily away from our spiritual life, how can we later regain our spiritual enthusiasm?

Answer: Two aspects are involved in such situations: (i) activity (ii) relationships. In activity, momentum is required. For example, if every week we are studying shastra and we stop, then to resume them after some time, it becomes difficult. However, if we have good relationship with devotees, such relationships will help us bring our commitment back to the activities.

Sometimes, we may not want to do an activity but may still want to have relationship with the person. We may want to do the activity because we want to please the person. The relationships can help us to get back the momentum for the activity.

End of transcription.

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