Audio Icon | Bhagavad Gita | QA Audio : 2016 | QA: Audio | Vedic Scriptures In Gita 6.5, can both atma be translated as the mind – elevate the mind with the mind? ByChaitanya Charan December 31, 2016 Answer Podcast
Gita 14.25 As long as we are materially motivated, we will be materially agitated ByChaitanya Charan April 25, 2016July 26, 2024
How will Brahma take back the Tiruapti temple if mad humans exploded a H-bomb in that temple? ByChaitanya Charan June 17, 2013
Has science debunked the four elements called fire, air, water, earth and ether? ByChaitanya Charan April 6, 2013
How is the vision of Krishna’s two-handed form rare when everyone at the time of Krishna’s descent could see it? ByChaitanya Charan September 5, 2020