Audio Icon | Hindi QA | Mahabharata | QA Audio : 2013 | QA: Audio | Vedic Scriptures What is the relation of Vedvyasji with Parashar Muni and King Shantanu? ByChaitanya Charan February 20, 2013 From Ankur Goyal
If science just uses pre-existing mechanisms how does that apply to computer codes and programs? ByChaitanya Charan June 18, 2015
How can we survive spiritually when suddenly we lose devotee association? ByChaitanya Charan November 19, 2016
Srimad Bhagavad-gita-mahatmyam THE GLORY OF SRIMAD BHAGAVAD GITA from Sri Vaisnaviya-tantra-sara ByChaitanya Charan July 22, 2014July 26, 2024
In the computer metaphor for explaining the self, comparing the soul with the user mixes the inanimate with the animate – isn’t it better to compare consciousness with electricity? ByChaitanya Charan December 12, 2017
Why did Prabhupada recommend worship of Narasimha amongst all avataras? Isn’t this against the principle of peace? ByChaitanya Charan July 25, 2013