Audio Icon | Practical Spirituality | QA Audio : 2017 | QA: Audio How can we counter the mind’s wandering while reading scripture? ByChaitanya Charan May 16, 2017August 27, 2024 Answer Podcast
Audio Icon | Practical Spirituality | QA Audio : 2018 | QA: Audio How can we get rid of unwanted thoughts? ByChaitanya Charan January 15, 2018
Audio Icon | QA Audio : 2016 | QA: Audio | Vedic Philosophy | Vedic Wisdom Why does Uddhava say that remembering Krishna’s pastimes causes him distress? ByChaitanya Charan April 20, 2016August 21, 2024
Audio Icon | Featured Content | QA Audio : 2015 | QA: Audio | Transcriptions | Vedic Observer Does a stone smeared with turmeric become God? (PK answered 23) ByChaitanya Charan January 1, 2015
Audio Icon | QA Audio : 2015 | QA: Audio Why does the Gita say that Krishna can’t be attained by worship? ByChaitanya Charan March 10, 2015
Audio Icon | QA Audio : 2012 | QA: Audio | Science | Science - Modern How do we answer atheists who say that the order that we see in the universe is only apparent and actually the entropy principle ensures that disorder keeps increasing? ByChaitanya Charan October 19, 2012
Audio Icon | QA Audio : 2014 | QA: Audio | Transcriptions | Vedic Observer Can devotional, non-devotional and anti-devotional cultures be connected with goodness passion and ignorance? ByChaitanya Charan May 21, 2014